Meet Josh and Jeanne
Josh has a Bachelors in Occupational Therapy, studied TCM for 3 years and is almost done with his 5th year at Canadien College of Osteopathy. He is a CHEK Level 4, HCL 3, CNMT, RCP and CN.
Jeanne is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, CHEK 2, HLC 3, RCP and skilled Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist.
Interestingly enough, our first date was at the Body’s Exhibit! We have always shared a passion and deep respect for the wholeness of the human body. This passion has propelled our journey into metabolic health and cellular energy production, with an emphasis on thyroid health. Thyroid hormone is a powerhouse hormone required by every single one of the body’s trillion cells, and plays a fundamental role in energy production.
Following many years of working closely with clients, we began to recognize a common trend – people were coming to us with binders full of lab work while on 20+ supplements and thousands of dollars in debt. They were confused, exhausted, frustrated, scared and skeptical (and rightfully so!). Here we had all this information, yet we had none because nothing was telling us why.
How We Got Here
Treatment protocols based on labs and supplements were focused solely on imbalances and symptoms with hardly any consideration for the individual and their environment (both physical and emotional).
At the same time, we had started delving more into this concept of cellular energy and its place in human disease. Come to find it is the backbone of our health. Almost 99% of our clientele presented with chronic energy deficiencies caused by over stressed adrenal glands, altered thyroid function and little to no resiliency and locked in an adaptive and vicious stress response. A state no-body can truly heal.
From this point forward, the more time we got to spend with our clients, the more we could not ignore or overlook how relevant each person’s “story”, from conception to this present moment is to their healing process. Your story matters, however you experience it—consciously or unconsciously. It plays a defining role in how you navigate the world, which plays a defining role in how you experience your health.

The Nourished Nervous System Method
Body Response Awareness
The TNNS Method takes you through a process designed to help increase your level of awareness. In this awareness is the opportunity to make the changes you need to create the environment for your body to heal.
Using simple and cheap, real-time daily assessments you learn to very effectively identify the state of your system. With these assessments, we are able to help you understand more deeply what is happening in your body so you are able to make sense of how you feel. The more clarity you have on what is happening in your body, and even more importantly what is causing it, the more opportunity there is to create an environment that supports both your physical and emotional needs.
The TNNS Method is all about strategy and intention with the primary objective always being to optimize the process of fueling the body with food. As a result, you significantly reduce internal and external stresses, know exactly how to replenish and nourish your body, increase energy and create stability and balance in your nervous system.
Our methods
The Nourished Nervous System (TNNS)
is a method we designed to teach you how to use your food with strategy and intention to unravel the long-term effects chronic stress has had on the body while building a solid foundation for the body to heal and ultimately reach optimal thyroid health. The patterns of healing we have observed over the last 12 years of applying the principles of the TNNS Method have provided us with the greatest knowledge and experience—proving even more powerful than our combined years of research and study in nutrition.

The Healing Foundation
1:1 Coaching with Josh & Jeanne
Transformational support on your journey to better health.

R.T.N. Cookbook
Learn over 80 metabolic recipes for restoring thyroid health.